Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm Here!

British Museum

The O2

The Monument
I have arrived! Two years of waiting and mentally preparing myself are now over.

It's been good so far. I've been blessed to meet good, kind, and warm people over the last few days. The weather's just like home at the moment, and my hair is behaving. Behaving very well actually...putting up its best front for a new place I suppose.

I hope to settle on a church soon. Everybody on the Barge has been very welcoming, I could think it would make a good home church, but want to check out a few other options first.

An apartment is under negotiation, but the hostel is a very cheerful place to be in for the moment.

If my family and closest friends could be here with me, life would be complete.

Till later then. 


S. Susan Deborah said...

Hey Congrats!

Nice a post from you and wishing you the best on the new course of life.

Love to hear more :)

Joy always,

Sac said...

Take care Ruthy! Have a great time there :-)